DC Information

Welcome to the first doctoral consortium to be held jointly between ADT and LPNMR.


[Recent Updates]

  • [July 31st, 2015] We have updated the Program & Participants page with an up to date program and a full list of students who will be presenting.
  • [June 9th, 2015]  We have reopened the submission server to accept applications till JUNE 10th 2015.  After this time we will not be able to accept submissions for inclusion in the program.  After this date please contact Esra or Nick directly about attending the DC and possible travel funding.
  • [April 15, 2015] We have revised the application deadlines.  Please see Important Dates below!

Program Information

The 4th Algorithmic Decision Theory Conference (ADT) is organized by the International Research Group on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT) in collaboration with the European Working Group on Preferences. ADT seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners coming from diverse areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, Operations Research, Decision Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Game Theory, Multiagent Systems, Computational Social Choice, and Theoretical Computer Science, in order to improve the theory and practice of modern decision support. Some of the scientific challenges facing the ADT community include big preference data, combinatorial structures, partial and/or uncertain information, distributed decision making, and large user bases. Such challenges occur in real-world decision making in domains like electronic commerce, recommender systems, network optimization (communication, transport, energy), risk assessment and management, and e-government.

The 13th International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR) is a forum for exchanging ideas on declarative logic programming, non-monotonic reasoning, and knowledge representation. The aim of the conference is to facilitate interactions between researchers and practitioners interested in the design, implementation and application of logic-based programming languages and database systems, and those who work in the area of knowledge representation and non-monotonic reasoning. LPNMR and its programmatic expression, Answer Set Programming, have roots in the famous special issue of AIJ in 1980, devoted to Nonmonotonic Reasoning.

While LPNMR and ADT appear motivated by different domains there is a significant overlap of interests of both communities. Both areas are concerned with the algorithmic foundations of Computer Science research, dealing with fundamental problems occurring both in practice and theory. In the case of LPNMR, it is demonstrated in the ASP competition, and in case of ADT, algorithms that are found in that research find application is many practical applications such as social choice, auctions and preference elicitation. Moreover, there is a significant intersection of communities. A significant number of individuals are active in both communities thus motivating a joint doctoral consortium.

There will be significant time for students from both fields to present their work, meet mentors from their own and closely related fields, and hear interesting panels related to their research careers. We hope to accept 10 students from ADT and 10 students from LPNMR in order to keep the group balanced and diverse.

The joint program will give students the opportunity to interact with their peers and researchers within and outside their own focus. We feel that the closeness of ADT and LPNMR means that there are additional opportunities for students to establish potential future collaborators and benefit from advice of mentors from the other field. There will also be a special student spotlight during the joint ADT/LPNMR poster session. This provides the students with a key opportunity to hone their research pitch to and receive feed back from a diverse audience.

 Important Dates

  • Applications Due: June 1st, 2015. June 10th, 2015
  • Notification: June 10th, 2015. June 12th 2015.
  • Camera Ready Deadline: June 20th, 2015.
  • Date of Program: Sept. 27th, 2015.

Organizing Committee

Program Committee