Program & Participants

This will represent the first doctoral consortium to be held jointly between ADT and LPNMR. There will be significant time for students from both fields to present their work, meet mentors from their own and closely related fields, and hear interesting panels related to their research careers.  Congratulations to the students who have been accepted to participate!

The DC will take place from 08.45 to 18:00 on Sept. 27th at the Lexington Hilton (the conference venue) and include a dinner in the evening in downtown Lexington.  You are expected to take part in all the events on that day so please plan your travel accordingly.  For the DC you will:

  • Give a short (8 minute + 2 minutes for questions) presentation about your research.  Remember that this is a broad audience so you should include enough background so that someone from another branch of CS can understand your work.
  • Present a poster (at the main conference and at the DC) so you can speak with other students and researchers about your work.  Please prepare a poster A0 vertical orientation for use at both sessions which summarizes your research so far and what you hope to achieve.
  • Have dinner around Lexington the night of Sept. 27th in small groups with 4-5 students each and 1-2 mentors / senior researchers.

8:45-9:00Welcome / Overview
9:00-10:40Xudong Liu, University of Kentucky - Preferences and Social Choice

Tiep Le, New Mexico State University - Multi-context Systems with Preferences

Amelia Harrison, The University of Texas at Austin - Formal Methods for Answer Set Programming

Ying Zhu, University of Kentucky - Representing and Reasoning about Preferences

Tamal Biswas, University at Buffalo - Measuring Intrinsic Quality of Human Decisions

Przemysław Wałęga, University of Warsaw - Nonmonotonic Qualitative Spatial Reasoning

Rupert Freeman, Duke University - Axiomatic and Computational Aspects of Social Choice and Game Theory

Hugo Gilbert, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty using Ordinal Preferential Information

Song Zuo, Tsinghua University - Randomized Assignments for Barter Exchanges: Fairness vs Efficiency

Yi Wang, Arizona State University - Handling Probability and Inconsistency in Answer Set Programming
10:40 - 11:10Coffee Break
11:10 - 12:30Daniel P. Lupp, University of Oslo - Default Mappings in Ontology-based Data Access

Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz, TU Dresden - Reasoning with Conditionals

Reza Basseda, Stony Brook University - Planning With Concurrent Transaction Logic

Thomas E. Allen, University of Kentucky - CP-nets: From Theory to Practice

Nawal Benabbou, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Possible Optimality and Preference Elicitation for Decision Making

Alexandru Nedelcu, Drexel University - An Approach and Tool for Reasoning about Situated Cyber-Physical Systems

Benjamin Susman, University of Nebraska at Omaha - Integrating CASP with SMT

Evgenii Balai, Texas Tech University - New Syntax, Semantics and Inference Engine for P-log
12:30 - 14:00Lunch with Mentors
14:00 - 14:40Students and Mentors Poster Session
14:40 - 15:10What's Hot in LPNMR with Giovambattista Ianni and Mirek Truszczynski
15:10 - 15:40What's Hot in ADT with Judy Goldsmith
16:10 - 16:40Coffee Break
16:40-18:00Doctoral Consortium Panel Discussion: with Prof. Jerome Lang, Prof. Pedro Cabalar, Prof. Vladimir Lifschitz, Dr. Ashlee Holbrook, Dr. Kathleen Kaplan
18:00 - 18:15Closing / Wrap-up
EveningOrganized Dinners with Mentors at locations around Lexington (4-7 students per group).